
Master data management

Today, data is the most important fuel of companies and master data is the basis for strategies and decisions. That is why excellent data management is the basis for smart and far-sighted decisions – operational, strategic and tactical. Efficient master data management combines information into a coherent whole: the Single Point of Truth or SPoT. With our SAP-certified software solutions, you ensure that you make decisions based on excellent data – making your company's value chain even more efficient and sustainable.

The core business processes of a company are closely intertwined with its master data. Optimally coordinated material, customer, supplier or financial master data make companies more efficient and successful. They are crucial tools for digitalisation.

In times of exponentially growing data volumes, a "the more data the better" approach is not enough. The quality and timeliness of the data are just as crucial as the simple and meaningful presentation of the results. This is where our master data management software zetVisions SPoT comes in.

For customer and supplier master data (zetVisions SPoT BP) and material master data (zetVisions SPoT MAT), we have developed our own solutions that are optimally adapted to the requirements of these domains. With zetVisions SPoT FLEX, we adapt our standard software individually to the requirements of your company and your team and go beyond the classic SAP domains. Through the symbiosis of best data and analytics, you can realign your business models, effectively improve processes in your company – and thus your entire value chain.

Master data management is the backbone of businesses, especially in manufacturing.

Nelli Metzler Head of Product Management, zetVisions
How to benefit from a reliable data source

The "Single Point of Truth" (SPoT) is the uniform, reliable and up-to-date database for your entire company. This "golden record" for customer, supplier, financial, product and all other types of master data provides you with savings potential of up to 21 percent.

  • For customer master data: Cost efficiency in mailing campaigns through better data timeliness and quality, reduction of incorrect deliveries, increased efficiency in data maintenance and better compliance (for example, with embargo lists, VAT ID number checks).
  • For supplier master data: Higher cost efficiency in procurement and supplier management through identification of redundancies. Better negotiation possibilities of volume contracts, faster creation of supplier master data and thus onboarding of "replacement suppliers". Faster ordering process, avoiding costly errors in delivery acceptance and payment.
  • For material master data: On-schedule processes from procurement to production to delivery ensure efficiency. Consistent material master data reduce logistics costs, production downtimes and complaints.
Tiles with percentages, demonstrating cost reduction and company growth through professional data management by zetVisions and partners.
master data management

The criteria for best data quality

Reliable master data is at the heart of every company. It is the basis for smart decisions. Ideally, they fulfil these requirements:

  • Customer master data and supplier master data are up-to-date and reliable.
  • Financial master data is clear and unambiguous.
  • Product master data is always up to date.
  • Organisational structures or reference data can be clearly assigned.
Das Thumbnail zeigt Nelli Metzler, Head of Product Management bei zetVisions

The solution for your master data management

Single Point of Truth

The name of our software "SPoT" stands for the "Single Point of Truth". This is a consistent and reliable master data situation for your company. Facts instead of discussions. Facts instead of points of view.

You can reach this point of truth about your company with our SAP-certified standard software for master data management.

Optimally configured, you receive it for the areas "Network and Partners", "Finance and Key Figures", "Material and Supply Chain" - or individually configurable. Of course, we adapt all modules of our software to the individual requirements of your company.

SPoT bears the seal "SAP Certified - Powered by SAP NetWeaver" and is certified for integration with SAP® ERP based on SAP HANA® and SAP® S/4HANA on-premise edition.

Es ist das Logo von zetVisions SPoT FLEX zu sehen.
Freely definable master data

zetVisions SPoT FLEX, master data management individual and flexible.

  • Das Byteplant-Logo: Ein Schriftzug mit einem Blatt, das sich in kleine Quadrate auflöst.
  • Engage Process Logo in blau-orange
  • klarso Logo: Ausrufezeichen im o
  • Logo von KPMG: blaue Großbuchstaben vor vier Rechtecken.
  • KPMG Law Logo
  • Loqaute GBG Logo, links ein türkises Emblem
  • melissa Logo, grau mit blauem i-Punkt
  • msg Logo: roter Punkt, daneben graue Buchstaben
  • Üeople Consolidated Logo: orange mit Emblem
  • Logo von Pikon: buntes Würfelelement in drei Farben, danach ein schwarzer Schriftzug Pikon. Dadrunter stehet involve, inspire, improve.
  • SAP Silver Partner Logo
the zetvisions partner ecosystem

In the all-round team for digitisation

Digitalisation is based on data, processes, organisation, communication and technology. We offer our clients comprehensive support and advice together with the best experts in these areas. Our partner ecosystem thus offers you an experienced and stable network, an accelerator for the digitalisation of your company.

  • Abendsonne beleuchtet einen Meetingraum, in dem man die Umrisse zweier Geschäftsmänner im Gespräch sieht.
  • Vogelperspektive auf einen Fabrikprozess: Gelbe Roboterarme montieren zwei silberne Autos.
  • Ein Geschäftsmann im Anzug läuft entspannt durch eine urbane Landschaft in Sonnenschein.
data management

We are data specialists

We are specialists in data management – and passionate about data. Since 2001, we have been providing solutions for legal entity and master data management. Through intelligent data management, we help companies to create a valid basis for making the right decisions. Our flexible software solutions ensure data quality, reduce sources of error and accelerate workflows.

With our software solutions for legal entity and master data management, we create competitive advantages for our customers and make a lasting contribution to their corporate success. One thing is clear: consistent data is the foundation for the success of our more than 150 customers throughout Europe. Among them are numerous DAX, MDAX and SDAX groups, many medium-sized companies and municipalities.

heller Hintergrund: Julian Kittelmann, Senior Sales Manager
Ihr persönlicher Ansprechpartner

Julian Kittelmann

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